CAPSAC is pleased to announce that we will be expanding our Board of Directors.
In the spirit of CAPSAC’s motto “Strengthening Practice through Knowledge," we invite members from varying child abuse disciplines to apply and lend their expertise to our exciting organization.

Congratulations to CAPSAC's own Past-President & Board Member, Susan Hardie, MN, PhD, who was among the inaugural group granted APSAC Fellow status at the 31st APSAC Colloquium (June 2024). APSAC Fellow status is given to APSAC members who have shown evidence of professional growth and development through attendance at APSAC sponsored events and in recognition of their support for the advancement of APSAC’s mission to prevent child maltreatment. Learn more about becoming an APSAC Fellow.
Congratulations to CAPSAC’s Board Member, Shelley Hamilton, LCSW, for being the recipient of the 2023 APSAC Award for Advancement of Cultural Competency in Child Maltreatment Prevention and Intervention, which recognizes an individual, organization or agency that has made outstanding contributions in this area.
Shelley has served as the Liaison between UCSF Benioff, CALICO, and her role on the Advisory Committee for Room Redux Bay Area. She helps choose the children who are most in need of feeling safe as they return home, or enter a new home, that does not have reminders or triggers of past abusive events. More about Shelley’s work.

Executive Committee
President: Bradley McCartt, DDA
Secretary: Elisa Carias, JD
Treasurers: Monica Borunda, LMFT and Seth Goldstein, JD
Immediate Past President: Lauren Maltby, PhD, ABPP
Board of Directors
Lara Dino, JD
Laurie Fortin, LCSW
Colleen Friend, Ph.D, LCSW
Shelley Hamilton, LCSW
Lisa McCulloch, LCSW
Mayola Miranda, DPA, LCSW